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Setting up a Pre-recorded Session
Updated over a week ago

With Swapcard, you can set up Pre-recorded Sessions, which is particularly helpful if you don't want/can't stream live for some or all of your Sessions.

Session Setup

In the Studio, go to Content → Sessions and click on the Create Sessions button in the upper-right corner. Then, select if you would like to import them through an Excel import, or create each Session individually. For the purpose of this article, we will select the latter.

Once the Session has been created, you need to select Pre-recorded from the dropdown menu under the Format section.


Video Stream Setup

The next step is to tie your Session with a video stream. You can use YouTube, Vimeo, an iFrame or a video file that you upload onto Swapcard. Paste the appropriate link and click on the Add Stream button once completed.


Simulated Live Stream (Simu-live)

What if you want your Pre-recorded Sessions to look like they are being streamed live to your Attendees? With Swapcard it's possible and very easy to set up.

That being said, this can only be achieved with the upload of a video file. With other streaming options such as YouTube, Vimeo or an iFrame it won't work.

To turn this on, Organizers only need to click on the Simu-live toggle.


Once Simu-live is on, the stream will be treated as if it were live. This will enable streaming options in the Event App with similar capabilities to a live RTMP stream.

Organizers have the ability to set up a start date for the stream to only start at the given date, and as a live stream. The only restriction Organizers have is the need for the Session to be created at least 30 mins before the start of the Session, so that internally, Swapcard's system has enough time to process the video file and prepare it for that purpose.

Just like a common Live Stream Session, with Simu-live, Attendees have no control over the timeline of the video in the Event App and will only be able to access it at the designated date and time set by the Organizer.

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