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Setting up a Roundtable session
Updated over 6 months ago

With Roundtables event Participants are able to engage together and discuss a subject over a multi people video call.

Roundtables have a Start date and End date, design customization, Live discussion enabling, links with Exhibitors or Sessions and settings for limits and visibility.

A Roundtable can have Moderators and up to 100 Participants (moderators included).

How to create a Roundtable in the Studio

In the studio, you can create Roundtables while you're creating your sessions.

  1. In the Studio, go to Content → Session to create a new Session.

  2. Select start and end date of the session

  3. Select format & video as Roundatble

When creating a Roundtable format session, it automatically creates a room opened during the Availability start date and the Availability end date that will be defined by you, the Organizer. The Availability start date and the Availability end date are the dates that you wish the call to be accessible to attendees.

If availability dates are not defined, the Session start and/or end date will be used by default.

Settings and limits

Participants' settings

The Organizer can decide on who is able to join the room using the toggle to allow people to register for the Session. By doing so, they are able to select which Groups can register and join the Roundtable.

Also, the Organizer can manually add Participants to the Session. Those People will be able to join the Roundtable as well.


Each Roundtable will have a technical limit of 8 People sharing their video at the same time for non-moderated sessions, and 20 People for moderated sessions. Overall, regardless of video, a limit of 100 Participants per session is allowed per Roundtable.

By default, a Roundtable session will have a registration limit of 100.

The Organizer can still edit this limit with a smaller number than 100 and once reached it will disable the button to join as well for Participants, in such case and if the technical limit of 100 is not reached, Moderators will still be able to join.

Registration limit = Number of People able to join as Attendees, set by the Organizer.

Technical limit = invisible limit of 100 People in the room together at the same time that the platform can handle, including Participants and Moderators.

Moderators and their rights

Moderators will have specific rights when joining the call.

All Speakers of the session and all Organization members are Moderators of the Roundtable.

During the call, using on-screen actions they are able to:

  • Mute anyone in the call

  • Remove someone from Stage - ie: Deactivate the participant's camera

  • Kick anyone out of the Session

How to register for a roundtable


As it is a Session, before it starts, a Roundtable looks exactly like any other format of Session.

Register/Join button logic

  • Until the Roundtable has started, users can Register for the session

  • When the Roundtable starts, the buttons become a Join button which makes the user enter the room

    • If the Participant was registered it will make him join the room only

    • If the Participant was not registered, it will perform two actions, register to the Session and join the room

  • If the Roundtable is full or is already over, the button is hidden

Please note that Moderators are always able to join the room, even if it's not opened or the registration limit is reached if under 100.

Banner Image

  • Until the Roundtable has started, users will see the Session banner

  • Once the Roundtable has started:

    • If the Participant can register to the Session, they will see the list of people already in the call written on the banner

    • If the Participant can't register to the Session, they will only see the banner image without any change

    • When the Roundtable is over, it goes back to the session banner image with a text stating "This roundtable is over"

During the Roundtable session

  • When a Participant joins a room they will be prompted to allow access to Camera and Microphone

  • By default, everyone will join with their Camera and Microphone OFF

  • Each Participant will have all actions available, just like any other standard video call

  • On each Participant' squared frame, a three-dot icon will allow users to be redirected to the person's profile

Moderated Stage feature for Roundtable Sessions

With the Roundtables on Swapcard, you can also opt to add in the Moderated Stage feature. When this option is enabled for either a Video or Audio roundtable, the view will be split into two sections: Stage and Participants.

By default, each Moderator joins the section entitled On stage and each participant joins the section below as a Spectator. Spectators must ask the Moderators to be allowed on stage.

When a Spectator is given permission to go on stage, that participant will then have the ability to turn their camera and mic On.

If the participant wants to go on stage, the participant must click on the Raise hand icon.


Moderators are able to see the list of people with their hand raised, and can then choose which Spectators are allowed on stage by clicking on the 3 dots next to the participant and selecting Invite on stage from the drop down menu that appears.


When finished, participants can manually leave the stage or the Moderator can remove them from the stage.

Up to 20 people are allowed on the moderated stage at the same time, this means that only 20 people will be able to have their camera and/or microphone on at the same time.


  • On each call, we can have a maximum of 8 People having their camera ON at the same time

  • If the limit is reached, people will see the Camera button disabled

  • On each call, we can have a maximum of 50 People with their microphone ON at the same time

Background image

The Organizer can import a background image that will be visible behind everyone in the room. For example, it's ideal if you want to feature sponsors.

The image should be a rectangular image (16:9 ratio) with a size of 1920px by 1080px, and that doesn't exceed 1MB.

Audio-only Roundtables

Along with Roundtables with video and audio, you can also create and join a room where the Attendees can chat with each other in a large conference call using audio-only.

When setting up the Roundtable, you will need to follow all the same steps outlined above, with the only exception being that you will need to toggle on the “audio-only” option.

Participants will be able to speak to one another without turning on their camera.

Speakers of the Sessions and your organization will still have moderation privileges, which include being able to mute someone or kick someone out of the room.

Roundtable Recordings

Any Moderator of a Roundtable can make recordings of it. With Roundtables being a feature within Swapcard, the option to record is available to organizers for this session format only.

To record a Roundtable session, whether it is audio or video, Moderators will have the ability to start a recording, by clicking on the 3 dots below the screen of Speakers and selecting Record.


When a recording is ongoing, all Participants will see a timer that indicates the call is being recorded, as well as the duration of the recording.

Any Moderator can start or stop recording the Roundtable. If they don't end it, the recording will stop automatically when everyone has left the call.

In case Moderators leave the Session, it will still be recorded. The system will only register data when a camera and/or microphone are active. This means that if no Participant is on their stage, with their mic or camera enabled, the platform will not record that part of the Session. If someone is speaking or sharing their video, then the data will be recorded even if the moderator is no longer there.

As soon as a recording has been done, the Organizer will be able to watch and download them from the Studio. Going to the Sessions tab inside People Data and selecting the preferred Roundtable.

You can as well use the recording URL and attach it to another session iFrame to make it available as an On-demand Session.

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