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Understanding Guest mode
Updated over a week ago

Guest mode allows users who are not logged into the Swapcard platform to see some of your event’s content.

Enabling/disabling Guest mode

To activate or disable it, open the Event builder module in the Studio, then navigate to the Groups & permissions tab. Once there, scroll down to toggle Guest mode On & Off.


Making some content visible to Guests

To define what content Guests can see, go to Event builder and click on Content display. There, you will see a list of all your Content buttons. Click on the pencil icon next to the button for which the content visibility needs to be edited – a side panel will open.


Under the Visibility tab, you will be able to enable or disable this Content button and the content tied to it for Guests, by using the toggle on the bottom-right of the panel.


By using Widgets, Swapcard allows you to integrate your event’s content on your own website (Schedule, Speakers list, Exhibitors list, etc. Since some of your website visitors will not be registered for your event, it is required that you activate Guest mode in order to use Widgets.

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