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How to market your Event App
Updated over a week ago

Start Engaging Before the Release - 6 weeks before the Event

  • Create a section on your website dedicated to your mobile app

  • Create an event hashtag and start promoting it on social media

  • Send teaser emails to generate excitement

  • Pro tip: Create signage to showcase the app to onsite visitors - include a QR code to easily download it

Announce Your Mobile App Release - 2 to 4 weeks before the Event

  • Post a mobile app release announcement on your website and on social media

  • Send Attendee Invitation Emails

  • Keep Attendees engaged with Push Notifications about exciting mobile app features and important Event updates

  • Pro tip: Include a download link in all staff email signatures

Send Reminders - 1 week before the event

  • Resend Attendee Invitation Emails

  • Send Push Notifications to promote app features, remind attendees to log in, or let Attendees know when opening Sessions are available

  • Pro tip: Review login metrics to track adoption and adjust your marketing strategy if needed

Reinforce Onsite - During the event

  • Have registration staff encourage downloading the mobile app at check-in

  • Give a two-minute app overview in the opening Session

  • Train event staff on two or three app features to help answer questions and drive engagement

  • Pro tip: Have Speakers mention the mobile app during the last few minutes of their Sessions

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