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Creating People custom fields
Creating People custom fields

Create and manage custom attendee profile fields to collect specific data, improve networking, and boost engagement at your event.

Updated today


Custom fields allow you to personalize attendee profiles by adding specific information relevant to your event, such as interests or expertise. These fields enable more tailored networking and session recommendations, enhancing the attendee experience.

What are custom fields?

Custom fields are additional fields that allow you to enhance sessions, items, exhibitors, or people profiles with tailored fields for preferences, interests, or any other important information. These fields help categorize participants within the event app, offering a more personalized and efficient experience.

The People tab displays all individuals participating in the event, including Attendees, Exhibitors, Speakers, Staff, and Media.

Learn more about managing custom fields for People's pages here.

How to create custom fields for People

  1. Log into the Studio

  2. From the dropdown menu on the left, select the People tab.

  3. Click on People settings to add custom fields for your Attendees.

4. Click on Create custom field.

5. Define the Label (how the custom field will appear on the People page).

6. Choose a Format from the dropdown menu:

  • Short text: for brief entries.

  • Long text: for longer entries.

  • Multiple texts: for multiple text entries.

  • Single choice: for selecting one option from a list (e.g., Country or City).

  • Multiple choices: for selecting multiple options from a list (e.g., Group member status or Proficiencies).

  • URL: for links, such as Websites or LinkedIn profiles.

  • Number: for numerical entries like Age.

  • Date: for date entries like Birthday.

  • File: PDF (.pdf), Word Documents (.doc, .docx), PowerPoint Presentations (.ppt, .pptx), Images (.png, .jpg)

To ease the workload of event organizers, we prove ready-to-use custom fields that can be seamlessly integrated into your event setup process.

Pre-filled custom fields available:

  • “Country” (single choice) and "Countries" (multiple choices)

Automatically includes a comprehensive list of countries.

Eliminates the need for manual entry, ensuring accuracy and saving time.

  • "Industry Sectors" (single choice)

Offers a detailed list of various industry sectors.

Customizable to suit specific event themes or focus areas.

  • "How Did You Hear About Us?" (single choice)

Pre-designed to gather insights on event marketing effectiveness.

Includes commonly used options and allows for custom additions.

Plus, values are automatically translated according to the event languages enabled. The supported languages for this feature are: en, fr, de, es, it, pt, zh, and ja.

How to manage your custom fields settings

Once you have created your custom field, you can edit it to add the filters and manage the visibility.

General settings

  • Modify the label to ensure it clearly describes the information the field is intended to capture, making it easier for attendees to understand and fill out.

  • Add a placeholder to help the attendees know what type of information is needed.

  • Organize your custom fields by adding them to relevant sections. This helps in structuring the data effectively on the user profiles, ensuring that similar information is grouped together and easily accessible.

  • Edit the values only for single and multiple choices custom fields.

    • Single Choice Fields: Ensure each option is clear and distinct, making it easy for users to select the appropriate value.

    • Multiple Choice Fields: Allow users to select multiple values, which is useful for fields like skills, interests, or areas of expertise.

      Providing well-defined choices helps in accurate data collection and improves the overall user experience by making profiles more informative and useful for search and recommendations.

Properties settings

  • Field visibility :

    If you select "This event" the field is displayed on the user profile page. It ensures that important information is visible to other event participants, promoting networking and interactions based on shared interests or expertise.

    If you select "This community" the field is displayed on the user profile page on the community. It provides consistency in information display across different levels of interaction within the community, enhancing the overall user experience.

  • Field edition: when this property is enabled, the field is editable by attendees in their profile​. Allowing attendees to edit this field ensures that the information is up-to-date and accurate. This flexibility empowers attendees to have control over their profiles, encouraging them to keep their information current and relevant. It also enhances engagement as attendees can customize their profiles to better reflect their interests and expertise.

  • Searchable field: when this property is enabled, the values of this field are taken into account in the search. Be selective about which fields are included in search results to avoid diluting the relevance of the search function. Too many fields can make it harder for users to find pertinent information.

  • Used for recommendation

    Interest Fields: These custom fields illustrate what the users are interested in. They are used by the AI to recommend sessions, exhibitors, and other participants with similar interests.

    Knowledge Fields: These custom fields illustrate the users’ area of expertise or skills. They help in matching users based on their professional background and expertise.

    Utilizing custom fields for recommendations enhances networking by suggesting relevant connections and sessions based on user profiles.

Custom fields are an invaluable tool for event organizers, allowing for a high degree of personalization and efficiency in managing attendee information. By enhancing people profiles with tailored fields, you can create a more engaging and interactive experience for your participants. The ability to customize and manage these fields ensures that the data collected is relevant and useful, facilitating better networking opportunities and more effective event management.

Leveraging custom fields helps categorize participants within the event app, making it easier for attendees to find and connect with others who share similar interests or expertise. This not only improves the attendee experience but also maximizes the potential for meaningful interactions and connections.

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