Setting up free tickets for your event
Updated over a week ago

Tickets allow Organizers to segment Attendees right from registration. Organizers are able to create Tickets and apply different rules based on quantity, dates, and visibility. Tickets created with the "hidden" visibility value (as opposed to "visible") are only available to be selected from the Studio. These can be used to allocate Tickets internally, by the Organizer manually.

Creating a ticket for registration

In the Studio, go to Registration → Tickets where you will either see a list of created Tickets (if you made one already), or a list of fields to create your first Ticket.

Tickets list


Ticket creation from

To create a Ticket, you need to fill the following fields:

  • Ticket name: appears both internally in the Studio, and externally for Attendees.

  • Ticket type: Free or Paid (coming soon)

  • Quantity: limit or not the number of Tickets available

  • Ticket visibility: define whether you want the Ticket to be available externally to Attendees ("visible"), or only from the Studio ("hidden")

  • Assigned event group: define in which Group registrants who select that particular Ticket will be placed. More about Groups here.

  • Sale start: the date from which the Ticket can be acquired.

  • Sale end: the date from which the Ticket can't be acquired anymore.

  • Description: optional field, to be used in case you want to provide further details to registrants.


There's no limit on the number of types of Tickets that can be created.

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